Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

Remove outlook plugin eset

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error pada saat buka outlook di karenakan masih terinstall plugin eset . 

The Add-in 'ESET Outlook Plugin' (C:\PROGRA~\1ESET\ESETNO~\1EPLGOU~1.DLL) cannot be loaded and has been disabled by Outlook. If no update is available, please uninstall the Add-in.

solved :
  • Select Tools | Trust Center... from the menu in Outlook.
  • Go to the Add-ins category.
  • Select either COM Add-ins or Exchange Client Extensions, depending on the type of add-in you want to remove under Manage.
    • You can see each extension's type in the Typecolumn.
  • Click Go....
  • If the add-on you want to remove is a COM add-in:
    • Highlight the extension you want to delete.
    • Click Remove.
  • If the add-on you want to delete is an Exchange client extension:
    • Make sure the add-in you want to remove is not checked in the list.
  • Click OK.

Pesan Error Pada saat install visio 2007 : only one instance of setup may be run at a time

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Pesan error pada saat instal visio 2007 : only one instance of setup may be run at a time,
~ uninstall terlebih dahulu antivirus ( ex. eset 32)


Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Merubah Jenis Font di Printer LX 300 dari Draff ke Roman atau yang lainya.

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Cara Merubah Jenis Jenis Hurup Dari Draff Ke Roman DLL Pada Printer Eson LX300+

  1. Hidup kan Printer LX300+ / LX300+ II Nya
  2. Tekan tombol Pause ( + -   6 Detik )
  3. Maka Akan Tampak Lampu Pause Berkedip Kedip
  4. Tekan Tombol Font , Maka Lampu Tear off akan Berubah
  5. Pilih Apa Yang Anda Inginkan  Jenis Hurup Nya
  6. Lalu Simpan  Kembali  Dengan Tekan Tombol Pause

Kamis, 19 September 2013

Solusi :Remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop client access licenses

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Cara mengatasi masalah Remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop client access licenses available for this computer. Please contact the server administrator
Masuk ke regedit 
Hapus MSLicencing

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSLicensing <<<<< Delete saja.

Done !